Privacy policy
Qui és responsable del tractament de les seves dades personals?
El responsable és el FESTIVAL DE CINE DE TERROR DE MOLINS DE REI (d’ara endavant, “TERRORMOLINS”), amb domicili a C/Jacint Verdaguer, 18 1º3ª – 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona)
Qui és el Delegat de protecció de dades?
És el responsable que vetlla pel compliment diligent de la normativa de protecció de dades de caràcter personal. En el nostre cas, pel volum i la naturalesa de l’ús de les dades, la normativa del RGPD no ens requereix disposar-ne. Per aquest motiu, és la mateixa cooperativa la que atendrà qualsevol cosa que es vulgui comunicar en aquest aspecte, ja siguin consultes, queixes… A través dels seus canals de contacte habituals.
Pots contactar-hi a la direcció postal de TERRORMOLINS, o a l’adreça electrònica
Com hem obtingut les seves dades de caràcter personal?
Disposem de les seves dades de caràcter personal perquè ens han estat facilitades de manera voluntària en el moment de:
Subscriure’s com a usuari del web, en qualsevol de les seves modalitats
- Adquirir algun bé de consum o algun servei al web
- Apuntar-se a alguna activitat o esdeveniment de TERRORMOLINS
- Omplir algun formulari al mateix web i/o per altres canals i/o plataformes de comunicació utilitzades per TERRORMOLINS.
- Subscriure’s a algun dels mecanismes de comunicació de TERRORMOLINS, entre els quals s’inclouen newsletters, xarxes socials, llistes d’e-mail de comissions i, en general, qualsevol mecanisme de comunicació que TERRORMOLINS hagi pogut oferir.
Quines dades personals tractem?
Les dades que tractem són les següents:
- First Name
- Surnames
- DNI/NIF/NIE/NIE/CIF/Passport Number
- Sexe/Gènere
- Correu(s) electrònic(s)
- Direcció Postal
- Número de compte bancari
- Aportacions econòmiques
- Data de naixament
- Data d’alta i renovació
- Legal guardian(s)
- Com ens vas conèixer
- Idioma de preferència
- Passport photo
- Nacionalitat
- Nom d’usuari/ària en altres plataformes col·laboradores (goteo, verkami, screenly, etc)
- Informació relativa a lloc(s) de treball
- Informació relativa a empreses/entitats pròpies i/o associades i/o a les qual pertanyi i/o participi
- Informació relativa a obres i/o projectes artístics
Per què tractem les seves dades personals?
We process your personal data for the following purposes:
- To send information about TERRORMOLINS by e-mail or post, unless you have stated or state otherwise.
- To convene and inform of acts or events organised or participated in by TERRORMOLINS or any entity with which it collaborates.
- To conduct surveys and/or questionnaires.
- To give out information of special interest or relevance.
- To manage registrations, cancellations, renewals, and membership reminders.
- To create statistics for internal use only, which help TERRORMOLINS to better plan its efforts, redistribute its resources and offer you a better and more personalised service.
- The interested party may object to receiving any type of communication (including the call for membership meetings and information of fiscal relevance), now or at any other time, by contacting TERRORMOLINS through any of its contact channels, whether it be the postal address or the e-mail address
Why can we process your personal data?
The processing of your personal data related to the maintenance of your relationship with TERRORMOLINS is legitimate because you have given us permission to do so. TERRORMOLINS thereby fulfils the contractual obligations arising from this relationship, aimed at providing you with the service and information that you have expressed your wish to receive.
When and for what reason may we provide your data to third parties?
TERRORMOLINS informs official state bodies of the data required to comply with the legal obligations to which TERRORMOLINS is subject for its activity: the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia, the Tax Agency, Molins de Rei Town Council, Barcelona Provincial Council, etc. This does not mean that your information has been requested by these bodies, but it could be the case.
TERRORMOLINS allows the banks with which it works to see the data that they require in order to be able to order certain banking operations, such as, for example, payment authorisations, among others. This does not mean that your details have been requested by these entities, but it could be the case.
Should TERRORMOLINS transfer personal data to other entities in the future, you will be informed in due course.
How long will we keep your data for?
Your personal data will be kept for as long as your relationship with TERRORMOLINS is maintained and, after the termination of this relationship for any reason, for the applicable legal limitation period (5 years). In this case, they will only be processed for the purpose of accrediting compliance with our legal or contractual obligations. At the end of these limitation periods, your data will be deleted or, alternatively, anonymised.
What are your rights?
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, or deletion through the TERRORMOLINS communication channels indicated, either the postal address C/Jacint Verdaguer, 18 1º3ª - 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona), or the e-mail address, by sending an express request and providing unequivocal proof of your identity.
Likewise, if you consider that the processing of your personal data infringes the regulations or your privacy rights, you may file a complaint:
- Through the TERRORMOLINS communication channels indicated:
C/Jacint Verdaguer, 18 1º3ª – 08750 Molins de Rei (Barcelona) - At the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through its electronic headquarters, or through its postal address.
What regulations apply, and where can I find out more?
TERRORMOLINS acts in accordance with the provisions of (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR); Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD); Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, Regulation implementing Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (RLOPD); and LSSICE 34/2002, of 11 July, on the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.