Designed as a meeting point between emerging horror and fantasy filmmakers  and  the film industry, the purpose of these Professional Conferences is to offer new authors a space conducive to the creation of networks, the exchange and improvement of knowledge, and the maturation of Projects.

You can participate with your own project or without it, and its program consists of talks and workshops designed for filmmakers, where other professionals share their experience and knowledge. Also a Projects Pitching  to production companies, previously selected and accompanied.

The Professional Days are a non-profit event made possible year after year, since 2010, thanks to the enthusiastic and altruistic collaboration of artists, professionals, companies and entities of the film industry. The current event format, however, has its origin in 2016, and it is quickly being confirmed as a proposal of high interest both for filmmakers and participating companies, as well as for the attending public.


The cinema companies and professionals share their experience and answer the questions of the audience, whether it is a presentation or a round table.


Specially designed for filmmakers and any people with an interest in film industry, taught by experienced professionals.


The finalist projects are presented and defended by their authors towards a table made up of production companies looking for new projects.


The perfect opportunity to surround yourself with experienced professionals and new authors, establishing new contacts and links.

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