TerrorKids is the program of activities for children and family that the Festival organizes since 2015. Its objective is to promote enjoyment of cinema from an early age, enhance creativity and promote social cohesion.

TerrorKids activities are organized on site during the Festival. Since 2021 it also offers online content on its own platform TerrorKidsTV, which families can enjoy from anywhere and at any time.

TerrorKids is included within the transversal objective of the Festival to offer quality audiovisual content for infants, as well as leisure education for different audiences, including children and families. In the same way, the Aula de Terror section addresses the educational field, both for children and adults.


Children's cinema workshop (+8 years) "The first scene of Terror"

Dissabte November 5 | 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | El Molí Library | Molins de Rei
Limited places | Free activity with prior registration (link)
More information: b.molins.m@diba.cat

Activity for 8 years old or older children.
Co-organized with El Molí Library.

Fifth edition of the Children’s Film Workshop “Your First Horror Scene” which aims to introduce children to filmmaking and explore the elements that define the horror genre. The purpose of this workshop is for the participating children to devise and record a scene (in sequence shot) where some of the archetypal elements of horror cinema appear. Taught by Quim Crusellas.

In this edition it intends to reflect on the right to peace and the prevention of violence among children, at the same time that it intends to introduce them to cinematographic creation and audiovisual language. It also promotes the rights of a conscious, educated, critical, committed and mobilized citizenry, within the axis of education for development through cinema.

This activity is part of the Programa Acció>Cinema, una iniciativa impulsada por la coordinadora de festivales de cine Catalunya Film Festivals (CFF), en colaboración con la Agència Catalana de Cooperació al Desenvolupament y el Departament de Cultura, que promueve el audiovisual “como herramienta de construcción de una ciudadanía formada, crítica y movilizada por un mundo más justo”.

The session will include the participation of the entity Enreda’t, a local association that aims to promote activities that improve the lives of people with disabilities and their families.

Family film screening (+6 years): Malson abans de Nadal (Henry Selick, 1993)

Saturday November 5 | 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | The Development | Molins de Rei
Buy tickets (link) – free for children under 14 years
Further Information: terrorkids@molinsfilmfestival.com

Activity for families with children from 6 years.

Screening of the film Malson abans de Nadal (Nightmare Before Christmas, Henry Selick, 1993). This animated musical film, produced by Tim Burton and with a soundtrack by Danny Elfman, is part of the Retrospectives cycle of the 41st edition of the Festival.

7a Mostra TerrorKids (+6 años) Horror Short Films for boys and girls

Sunday November 6 | 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | La Peni | Molins de Rei
Free entry, with prior reservation (link)
More information: terrorkids@molinsfilmfestival.com

Activity for families with children from 6 years.

Showcase of short films for children. The screening is divided into two parts: a first session with short films for children between 6 and 9 years old, and a second part with short films for children from 10 years old. The short films exhibited are selected taking into account the criteria of quality, representativeness and suitability for the public.

During the session there will be a presentation of the short films made in the last edition of the Children’s Film Workshop, and it will be in charge of the boys and girls who participated.

▪ Start session (6-9 years): 11:30 a.m. [21 min.]
Duplo Puke Toilet Terror 01:39
Decaf 04:11
The discovery 04:53
굿 GUT : Exorcism 04:47
El Sepulturero 05:23

▪ Presentation 4th Children’s Horror Film Workshop Short: 12.00 (approx.) [10 min.]
Presentation workshop participants and diplomas lliurament. 08:00
Projecció de “La meva primera escena de terror 2021” 02:00

▪ Sesió (10-12 anys): 12.15h [32 min.]
Mr. Pete & the Iron Horse 07:35
The Popping 03:10
No One Will Ever Believe You 06:07
Fèlix a la Muntanya de Sant Cebrià 15:00

Children's craft workshop (+2 years): Let's make a mask

Sunday November 6 | 11:30h a 13:30h | La Pista de La Peni | Molins de Rei
Free activity without prior registration (limited capacity).
Further Information: terrorkids@molinsfilmfestival.com

Activity for families with children from 2 years.

The handicraft workshops organized by the Festival since 2018 aim to stimulate the imagination of children through the realization of a playful and creative activity. An imaginative artistic creation workshop in which each participant will be able to create their own horror mask using different techniques: collage, colours, paints, crayons, etc. This activity affects the values of cooperation, recycling and creativity.

Reading space (+2 years): Terrifying readings

Sunday November 6 | 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. | La Pista de La Peni | Molins de Rei
Free activity without prior registration (limited capacity).
Further Information: terrorkids@molinsfilmfestival.com

Activity for families with children from 2 years.
With the collaboration of the El Molí Library.

A space dedicated to reading, to bring little moviegoers closer to the adventure of reading stories about monsters, vampires, ghosts, and stories about fear or darkness… Come to TerrorKids and discover the most terrifying books recommended by the El Molí Library!

Participatory experience (+2 years): La Pista de las estrellas

Sunday November 6 | 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | La Pista de La Peni | Molins de Rei
Free activity without prior registration (limited capacity).
Further Information: terrorkids@molinsfilmfestival.com

Activity for families with children from 2 years.

In this edition we propose to all the boys and girls attending TerrorKids that they draw their star with colored chalk on the Peni track. Among all the participants leave a track full of stars in the purest style of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Come and leave your star!

Little stories (0-3 years): The moon in the window

Monday, November 7 | 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Biblioteca el Molí | Molins de Rei
Limited places. Free activity with previous registration (link)
More information: b.molins.m@diba.cat

Activity for families with babies from 0 to 36 months.
It organizes the El Molí Library and the Regidoria d’Infància i Famílies.

Show of stories, light and shadows, by Sherezade Bardají. Teresa has a secret. Inside their umbrellas hide the sun, the moon and a tomato-eating monster. Inside his suitcase hides an octopus, a shark and a tickle monster. Do you have any secrets?

Children's film workshop (+5 years): We discover optical toys. The illusion of movement

Friday November 11 | 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Biblioteca el Molí | Molins de Rei
Limited places. Free activity with previous registration (link)
More information: b.molins.m@diba.cat

Recommended activity for boys and girls from 5 years old.
It is organized by the El Molí Library.

The origins of cinema are found in optical toys, devices capable of creating the illusion of movement from static drawings. We will play with the same devices with which boys and girls had fun before the invention of the cinema. By Drac Màgic.

Contest (0-16 years) 20 seconds of terror

A popular and participatory proposal open to all people who want to send a 20-second video through social networks that deals with the theme of terror in any of its forms, genres, subgenres and interpretations. Any genre is admitted (fiction, animation, documentary, …) and the secret of its usual high participation is that it is not necessary to have great media, just creativity and the desire to surprise and have a good time.

Videos made by authors of any age, who compete under equal conditions in the general category, can participate. Underage authorships also opt for two specific categories: up to 11 years old and from 12 to 16 years old. The prizes include a couple of hotel nights, full festival tickets and premium merchandising packs.

The children’s category works are projected on the big screen within the TerrorKids session. More information: http://www.molinsfilmfestival.com/secciones/20-segundos-de-terror/



8th Mostra TerrorKids Horror Short Films for boys and girls

Sunday November 6 | 11:30h to 13:00h | La Peni | Molins de Rei
Activity for families with children from 6 years.
Free admission, with prior reservation.

Showcase of short films for children. The screening is divided into two parts: a first session with short films for children between 6 and 9 years old, and a second part with short films for children from 10 years old. The short films exhibited are selected taking into account the criteria of quality, representativeness and suitability for the public.

During the session there will be a presentation of the short films made in the last edition of the Children’s Film Workshop, and it will be in charge of the boys and girls who participated.

▪ Start session (6-9 years): 11:30 a.m. [21 min.]

Duplo Puke Toilet Terror 01:39
Decaf 04:11
The discovery 04:53
굿 GUT : Exorcism 04:47
El Sepulturero 05:23

▪ Presentation 4th Children’s Horror Film Workshop Short: 12.00 (approx.) [10 min.]

Presentation workshop participants and diplomas lliurament. 08:00
Projecció de “La meva primera escena de terror 2021” 02:00

▪ Sesió (10-12 anys): 12.15h [32 min.]

Mr. Pete & the Iron Horse 07:35
The Popping 03:10
No One Will Ever Believe You 06:07
Fèlix a la Muntanya de Sant Cebrià 15:00

Children’s cinema workshop “Your first horror scene”

Dissabte November 5 | 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | El Molí Library | Molins de Rei
Activity for 8 years old or older children.
Free activity with previous registration.
Co-organized with El Molí Library.

Fifth edition of the Children’s Film Workshop “Your First Horror Scene” which aims to introduce children to filmmaking and explore the elements that define the horror genre. The purpose of this workshop is for the participating children to devise and record a scene (in sequence shot) where some of the archetypal elements of horror cinema appear. Taught by Quim Crusellas.

In this edition it intends to reflect on the right to peace and the prevention of violence among children, at the same time that it intends to introduce them to cinematographic creation and audiovisual language. It also promotes the rights of a conscious, educated, critical, committed and mobilized citizenry, within the axis of education for development through cinema.

This activity is part of the Programa Acció>Cinema, an initiative promoted by the coordinator of film festivals Catalunya Film Festivals (CFF), in collaboration with the Catalan Development Cooperation Agency and the Department of Culture, which promotes the audiovisual “as a tool for building a trained, critical citizenry and mobilized for a more just world”.

The session will include the participation of the entity Enreda’t, a local association that aims to promote activities that improve the lives of people with disabilities and their families.

Family film screening

Saturday November 5 | 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | The Development | Molins de Rei
Activity for families with children from 6 years.
Free for children under 14 years of age

Screening of the film Malson abans de Nadal (Nightmare Before Christmas, Henry Selick, 1993). This animated musical film, produced by Tim Burton and with a soundtrack by Danny Elfman, is part of the Retrospectives cycle of the 41st edition of the Festival.

Children’s craft workshop

Free activity without prior registration. The handicraft workshops organized by the Festival since 2018 aim to stimulate the imagination of children through the realization of a playful and creative activity. An imaginative artistic creation workshop in which each participant will be able to create their own horror mask using different techniques: collage, colours, paints, crayons, etc. This activity affects the values of cooperation, recycling and creativity.

Reading space

Free activity without prior registration. A space dedicated to reading, to bring little moviegoers closer to the adventure of reading stories about monsters, vampires, ghosts, and stories about fear or darkness… Come to TerrorKids and discover the most terrifying books recommended by the El Molí Library!

Participatory experience: La Pista de las estrellas

Sunday November 6 | 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | La Pista de La Peni | Molins de Rei
Activity for families with children from 2 years.
Free activity without prior registration.

In this edition we propose to all the boys and girls attending TerrorKids that they draw their star with colored chalk on the Peni track. Among all the participants leave a track full of stars in the purest style of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Come and leave your star!

Little stories: The moon in the window

Monday, November 7 | 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Biblioteca el Molí | Molins de Rei
Activity for families with babies from 0 to 36 months.
Free activity with previous registration.
Organizes Biblioteca el Molí and Regidoria d’Infància i Famílies.

Show of stories, light and shadows, by Sherezade Bardají. Teresa has a secret. Inside their umbrellas hide the sun, the moon and a tomato-eating monster. Inside his suitcase hides an octopus, a shark and a tickle monster. Do you have any secrets?

Children’s film workshop:
We discover optical toys. The illusion of movement

Friday November 11 | 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. | Biblioteca el Molí | Molins de Rei
Recommended activity for boys and girls from 5 years old.
Free activity with previous registration.
It is organized by the El Molí Library.

The origins of cinema are found in optical toys, devices capable of creating the illusion of movement from static drawings. We will play with the same devices with which boys and girls had fun before the invention of the cinema. By Drac Màgic.

20 seconds of terror contest

A popular and participatory proposal open to all people who want to send a 20-second video through social networks that deals with the theme of terror in any of its forms, genres, subgenres and interpretations. Any genre is admitted (fiction, animation, documentary, …) and the secret of its usual high participation is that it is not necessary to have great media, just creativity and the desire to surprise and have a good time.

Videos made by authors of any age, who compete under equal conditions in the general category, can participate. Underage authorships also opt for two specific categories: up to 11 years old and from 12 to 16 years old. The prizes include a couple of hotel nights, full festival tickets and premium merchandising packs.

The children’s category works are projected on the big screen within the TerrorKids session.


7th TerrorKids Exhibition of Horror Short Films for children

Showcase of short films for children. The short films exhibited are selected taking into account the criteria of quality, representativeness and suitability for the public. The screening is divided into two parts: a first session with short films for children between 6 and 9 years old, and a second part with short films for children from 10 years old. It will also be possible to see the works carried out in the 4th edition of the Children’s Film Workshop “Your first horror scene”, as well as the finalists in the children’s categories of the 20 Segons de Terror contest.

Children’s craft workshop

The handicraft workshops organized by the Festival since 2018 aim to stimulate the imagination of children through the realization of a playful and creative activity. These e-activities are aimed at children from the age of 3 and their families, emphasizing the values of cooperation, recycling and creativity.

Children’s cinema workshop “Your first horror scene”

Fourth edition of the Children’s Film Workshop “Your first horror scene” which aims to introduce children to filmmaking and explore the elements that define the horror genre. The purpose of this workshop is for the participating children to devise and record a scene (in sequence shot) where some of the archetypal elements of horror cinema appear. In addition, in this edition we will add the ecological look proposed by the leitmotif of the Festival where the activity is framed. Activity for 8 years old or older children.

We co-organize it with the El Molí Library.

20 seconds of terror contest

A popular and participatory proposal open to all people who want to send a 20-second video through social networks that deals with the theme of terror in any of its forms, genres, subgenres and interpretations. Any genre is admitted (fiction, animation, documentary, …) and the secret of its usual high participation is that it is not necessary to have great media, just creativity and the desire to surprise and have a good time.

Videos made by authors of any age, who compete under equal conditions in the general category, can participate. Underage authorships also opt for two specific categories: up to 11 years old and from 12 to 16 years old. The prizes include a couple of hotel nights, full festival tickets and premium merchandising packs.

The children’s category works are projected on the big screen within the TerrorKids session.


6th TerrorKids Exhibition of Horror Short Films for children

Showcase of short films for children. The short films exhibited are selected taking into account the criteria of quality, representativeness and suitability for the public. You can also see the work done in the 3rd edition of the Children’s Film Workshop “Your first horror scene”.

+6 years = min. 0 to 13 | +9 years = min. 13a40 | workshop 2019 = > min.40

Children crafts workshop: Recycled monsters

Os proponemos un imaginativo taller de creación de monstruos con material reciclado donde cada participante podrá crear su propio personaje de la familia Terror Kids. The workshop aims to stimulate the children’s imagination through making a fun and creative activity.

And while we’re at it, we will present you the MONSTERS KIDS, a family of monsters that will be accompanying us in all the TerrorKids editions from now on. Do you want to meet them?

TerrorKids at home

Our plan is to making the current situation of staying at home more entertaining for families. We’re sharing the workshops for families that have been made in the last editions of TerrorKids: simple, creatives, fun… and a little scary! For children of all ages.

  • Creative workshop for making a thaumatrope (4 models)

    The thaumatrope, the zootrope’s and pradxinoscope’s precursor, is an optic toy that generates the illusion of a moving image. To make one, you will need: scissors, glue, a stick or a straw. Now you only need to spin the thaumatrope with your hands.

Frankestein| Mexican skull | Werewolf | Dracula

  • Shadow play workshop ( very surrealist! )

    You can enjoy the experience of making your own shadow play theatre. To make the shadows you will need: scissors, glue, a stick or a straw. And if you want to make the theatre, you will only need a white sheet and a lamp. Now you only have to make up a story!

Download the template here

  • Draw and paint our M

    And for the little ones, and not so little, we suggest drawing and painting the image of our Festival, ¡the M! You can use any technique you want: crayons, tempera, markers, stickers, collage, etc. You just have to let your imagination go!

Download them from here

And if you want more horrific fun, here you have Una mazmorra entre todos, an amazing poster by the ilustrator @lauriellemaven that you can print and paint however you want. The only requisite is to not re-upload it to other websites and to not erase the signature, but do not hesitate to add yours!

Don’t forget to share your creations in social networks with the hashtag #TerrorKidsACasa 🙂


5th TerrorKids Horror Short films for Children Showcase

Fourth edition of the Children’s Film Workshop “Your first horror scene” which aims to introduce children to filmmaking and explore the elements that define the horror genre. The purpose of this workshop is for the participating children to devise and record a scene (in sequence shot) where some of the archetypal elements of horror cinema appear. In addition, in this edition we will add the ecological look proposed by the leitmotif of the Festival where the activity is framed. A free activity aimed at children from 8 years old, coorganized withel Molí Library, on Sunday November 10th, 2019, from 11:30 to 13: 30h in La Peni theatre.

The screening is divided into two parts: a first session with short films for children between 6 and 9 years old, and a second part with short films for children from 10 years old. The short films exhibited are selected taking into account the criteria of quality, representativeness and suitability for the public. During the session, a presentation of works made in the 2nd edition of the children’s film workshop by participating children, will be made.

Shadow play workshop

The workshop aims to introduce children from 3 years of age (accompanied by adults) to the most basic concepts of cinema and visual perception through a fun and creative activity. An imaginative workshop of making a shadow play where you will be able to enjoy the experience of making your own shadow theatre. Made on Sunday November 10th, 2019 at the La Peni theatre of Molins de Rei. Free activity (Limited spots).

3rd edition of the Children cinema workshop “Your first horror scene”

Taught by kineina [audiovisuales] on Saturday November 9th, 2019, from 10:00 to 12:30, at the El Molino Library of Molins de Rei, destined to children from 8/9years old. A free activity (limited spots) that aims to introduce children to filmmaking and explore the elements that define the horror genre.

14th Luis Fisas y Moreno Drawing and Painting Contest

As every year, for the town’s Fiesta Mayor, the Luis Fisas y Moreno drawing contest, in which all children and young people aged 6-18 can participate, is organized. This year’s drawings theme is fear, monsters and horror, in connection with the participation of the Festival. There are three categories: Children (6-9 years old), Youngsters (10-14 years old) and Teenagers (15-18 years old).

From October 28th to 31st, drawings could be presented, and they were exhibited from November 7th to 18th at the Bulevar de la Federación Obrera of Molins de Rei. The awards were given on November 8th, at 19:00h at the Bulevar. Co-organized by: Cercle Artístic de Molins de Rei and the Molins de Rei Children and Family Councillorship, in collaboration with the Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival.


4th TerrorKids Horror Short films for Children Showcase

Sunday November 11th, 2018, from 11h to 12h, at the La Peni theatre.
Children aged 6-12.

This session was repetead on Tuesday November 27th at 17.30h, in collaboration with the programme Bibliocurts.

– La vida de un vampiro en cinco segundos 5”
– This Way Up 9’10”
– The Final Straw 2’17”
– Roommate Wanted 7’31”
– Screamers 1’28”
– The Monster Under My Bed 2’37”
– Saturday the 14th 1’26”
– DJI Death Fails 3’56”

Taller de Manualidades “Hagamos un taumatropo”

First edition of the crafts workshop, held with free admission on November 11th in the multipurpose space at the Bar de La Peni. Its objective is to stimulate the imagination of children, from 3 years of age, through a fun and creative activity. These e-activities are aimed at children -from 3 years old- and their families, focusing on the values of cooperation, recycling and creativity.

2nd edition of the Children cinema workshop “Your first horror scene”

After the success of the first edition, the Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival, the Department of Culture of the City Council of Molins de Rei and the Pau Vila Library organized on November 10, 2018 at the Sala Gòtica the second edition of “Your first horror scene”, an activity focused on the cinematographic creation and experimentation of the most characteristic special effects of horror cinema. Taught by Kineina [audiovisuals], a group of boys and girls aged 8-12 years old – who lived the experience of creating, directing and shooting “their first horror scene”. You can see the result down here:


3rd TerrorKids Horror Short films for Children Showcase

1st edition of the Children cinema workshop “Your first horror scene”


2nd TerrorKids Horror Short films for Children Showcase

Saturday November 12th – La Peni theatre
17h. Session for children aged 6-9
18h. Session for children aged 10-12

The session is entirely dedicated to the Gueopic association, created in Molins de Rei to help improve the lives of people suffering communicative disabilities. All benefits will go to them, that is why we will ask a contribution of 1 euro per assistant.


1st TerrorKids Horror Short films for Children Showcase (Sala Gòtica)