The 20 Seconds of Horror contest (20 Segons de Terror), which began in 2015 and is international in scope, is a popular and participatory proposal open to all those who want to send a 20-second video on social media about the theme of terror in any of its forms, genres, subgenres and interpretations.
Any genre is admitted (fiction, animation, documentary, …) and the secret of its usual high participation is that it is not necessary to have great media, just creativity and the desire to surprise and have a good time.
Videos made by authors of any age, who compete under equal conditions in the general category, can participate, can participate. Childish authorships also opt for two specific categories: up to 11 years and from 12 to 16 years. The prizes include a couple of hotel nights, full festival tickets and premium merchandising packs.
There is also a special category related to the leitmotif of the current edition, to which all the registered works that can be cataloged within these themes also opt (see the regulations document for more information).
One thing that makes us always especially excited is that the winning works, as well as the works in the children’s categories, have their space on the Festival screens. As there are few experiences more rewarding than seeing your own creation in public and on the big screen.
The hotel nights offered
are courtesy of ibis Barcelona Molins de Rei
official sponsor of the Festival.
1. Post your horror video of maximum 20 seconds on Twitter, Tiktok or Instagram
2. Insert the video (links to other social networks than these will not be accepted)
3. Include the hashtag #20SegonsTerrorMolins
4. Indicates the title of the video and the name+surname or artistic name of its author
5. Include the author’s age. Is the author 16 years old or younger?
6. Follow the Festival account on the social network where you publish your video:
A graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the UAB with a specialization in audiovisual creation and film analysis, she has filmed more than thirty projects in different roles, but specializing in production and direction. She is currently an event producer. Short films she has produced have won several festivals such as Skyline and the Vaughan Film Fest, and recently, one of them was nominated for a Goya. On the program “La Cinemoteka” on the free radio station “RSK”, she talks about African cinema in the “Donker Flieks” section.
However, her roots and passion are the production of independent and genre projects – she is still a horror and fantasy geek, as demonstrated by her more than three-year career as part of the organization of the Sabadell Horror Film Festival, Fantboi and B-Retina – members of the TAC. There she participates in different roles, such as Production, Projections and Audiovisuals or Industry.
Screenwriter and director. Specialised in screenwriting after completing the Master’s degree “Showrunner: aula de ficción” at ESCAC and Mediaset España.
She is currently in pre-production for her first horror short film, selected for the “Acció Curts” advice, training and pitching programme by Dones Visuals, an entity in which she is part of the “Dones, Terror y Fantàstic” group, which promotes new female creators in the genre. At the same time, she is working on the development of several feature films selected by script laboratories such as Dama Ayuda, the Ibero-American laboratory Fantasolab or Generamma.
Television director with a long career in the audiovisual sector and a great lover of cinema, especially of the fantasy and horror genre. Currently, I work at Televisió de Badalona, where I have had the opportunity to develop and collaborate on several projects over the last twenty years.
During the first years of the Filmets Badalona Film Festival, I was part of the organizing committee and the selection jury, a very enriching experience.
In addition, I am a member of The Crypts Productions, an entity dedicated to promoting cultural activities related to fantasy cinema. Together with them, we organized the Cryptshow Festival in Badalona, an event that aims to promote everything that surrounds horror and fantasy in any of its artistic expressions, be it cinema, music, painting…, something that I am passionate about!!
As for my most recent work, I have co-directed two documentaries that have particularly left their mark on me: “Épica. El legado de La Fura dels Baus” (2020), which explores the activities of La Fura dels Baus through its Épica foundation, and “El silencio de las onda” (2023), a documentary about the repression suffered by the journalist Pere Mitjans at the end of the Civil War, where we seek to vindicate historical memory.
Videos published after 06/08/2023 and before 10/15/2023
Jury composed of Camila Mailén, Montecarlo and Vanessa Pérez de Somacarrera.
As an extraordinary novelty that year, a category for best witch video was added, in honor of the leitmotif of that edition of the Festival.
The Best Video of the 20 Seconds of Horror Contest received a full subscription for the Festival, 2 hotel nights in a double room and a Premium Festival merchandising pack.
Título: “Duérmete niña”
Autoría: Daniela Santacruz y Xavier Garcia Selma
«Por el uso consciente de todos los recursos para conseguir una pieza breve pero concisa»
The two finalist videos received a full subscription to the Festival.
Título: “Un día más”
Autoría: Raúl Pariente
«Por el trabajo y la incorporación de los efectos que redondean la idea y la propia pieza.»
Título: LEX
Autoría: Inés Barbosa
«Por el uso del género para abordar la crítica social y por el desarrollo claro de la idea.»
The Best Video in the category for up to 11 years, as well as the Best Video in the category for 12 to 16 years, both deserted due to lack of participants, would have each received a Premium pack kids merchandising from the Festival.
The Best Witches Video received a Premium Festival merchandising pack.
Título: LEX
Autoría: Inés Barbosa
«Por el uso del género para abordar la crítica social y por el desarrollo claro de la idea.»
JURY 2023
Camila Mailén
Studies in Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid and Postgraduate in Audiovisual Editing at the UPF Barcelona School of Management. Has work together with directors such as Meritxell Colell, Irene Moray and Alba Cros in projects with very different formats. In addition to new directors such as Beatriz Pérez and Yaiza Berrocal.
She has also worked as a freelance editor in different documentary projects, fiction, experimental pieces and video clips. Within the video-essay format, in 2019 she directed “Backwards”, her first short film as a director that was selected for the Audiovisual Residences of La Bonne 2022.
Currently Coordinator of the ACCIÓ CURTS program of Dones Visuals.
For more than thirty years he has been writing, directing, drawing and recounting orally (for large audiences or at a cafe table) the stories he sees, lives and imagines.
Passionate about non-linear stories and immersive narratives, he is a founding partner of Efímero Films, cooperative where he is responsible for content to promote fiction and documentary works that explore the possibilities of narrative universes through transmedia.
Among the projects he is working on is the Cine Efímero and the CIDAP, Pedraforca audiovisual development laboratory.
He is the author of diverse essay and fiction books. In his facet as a teacher, he collaborates with various institutions, including the EICTV at San Antonio de los Baños. In his free time, he walks. In his free time, he walks.
Vanessa Pérez de Somacarrera
Born to a French mother and a Spanish father, she was born in Paris, where she worked as PR, Iconographer, Audiovisual Assistant for the television series “Le Train” Canal + and Km Prod.
In 2010, she returned to her Spanish roots, where she produced two low-budget feature films with social patronage, both selected at the Sitges Fantastic Film Festival in 2013 and 2014. She has also collaborated with Capricci Cine as a freelance communication manager with whom he programs “Hasta ver la luz”, the first feature by Basil Da Cunha, selected in the “Quinzaine des réalisateurs” at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.
In 2017, she set up the first craft film festival in Barcelona, the Craft Film Festival Bcn, which had 4 editions. She has been in exile in the countryside for a year and a half, where she is finishing a script in collaboration with Tariq Porter. Soon she will bring out his first book of poetry in French. She also wants to set up a film festival to continue spreading cinema wherever she is.
Videos published after 03/31/2022 and before 10/15/2022
Jury composed of Mariona Borrull, Carles Martínez Agenjo and Silvia Espín.
As an extraordinary novelty that year, a category for best music video was added, because the leitmotif of that edition of the Festival was horror musicals.
The Best Video of the 20 Seconds of Horror Contest received a full subscription for the Festival, 2 hotel nights in a double room and a Premium Festival merchandising pack.
Título: Gazpachito
Autoría: Inés Barbosa
«El plat estrella de l’estiu és sinònim de broma refrescant en aquest original microcurt que entén la telebrossa com un monstre deliciós!»
The two finalist videos received a full subscription to the Festival.
Título: El pájaro
Autoría: Aitor Marín Correcher
«Qui no ha mirat sota el llit esperant trobat el pitjor? Jugant amb un recurs clàssic i donant-li la volta, a partir d’ara procurarem mirar a dalt»
Título: The Hangman
Autoría: Oscar Fernández i Sofia Fernández
«Per regalar-nos un acudit negríssim final que capgira totes les expectatives»
The Best Video in the category for up to 11 years, as well as the Best Video in the category for 12 to 16 years, both deserted due to lack of participants, would have each received a Premium pack kids merchandising from the Festival.
The Best Music Video received a Premium merchandising pack from the Festival.
Título: Happy Birthday
Autoría: Alejandro Igual Rosado
«Pel seu pertorbador us de la música i la imatge»
JURY 2022
Mariona Borull
Mariona writes film critics for El Antepenúltimo Mohicano, Fotogramas and Serielizados, and speaks weekly on the program Va de cine on Ràdio 4 and Tot és comèdia on SER Catalunya. Mariona also wrotes in Sensacine and Other Cinemas Europe. Specialized in covering class A festivals, which he combines with articles for the distributor Mediatres Estudio and other press work. Member of the Catalan Association of Film Criticism and Writing (ACCEC) and of Fipresci.
Carles Martinez Agenjo
Silvia Espín
Screenwriter focused on the horror genre. He has worked in various development teams in production companies and television networks. She is a founder and part of the team Women, Horror and Fantastic of Dones Visuals association. She was part of the first showrunners program of Escac-Mediaset and his first series “Huellas” is currently in the process of sale after passing through the produce Meet Producers and winning the award for best series at Valencia Pitch Forum.
Videos published after 09/01/2021 and before 10/31/2021
Jury composed of Carme Puche Moré, Ylenia Cañadas and Sandra S. Lopera.
As a novelty that year, two children’s categories were added to the general category, in which videos made by authors of any age can participate: up to 11 years old and from 12 to 16 years old.
El Mejor Vídeo del Concurso 20 Segundos de Terror recibió un abono completo para el Festival, 2 noches de hotel en habitación doble i un Premium pack merchandising del Festival.
Los dos videos finalistas recibieron un abono completo para el Festival.
El Mejor Vídeo en la categoría de hasta 11 años, así como el Mejor Vídeo en la categoría de 12 a 16 años, recibieron ambos un Premium pack kids merchandising del Festival.
JURY 2021
Carme Puche Moré
Carme Puche-Moré (Barcelona, 1977) is a director and screenwriter. She has worked in journalism and communication for more than fifteen years before devoting herself to audiovisual productions. Her career as a filmmaker began with “Camille” (Best New Screenplay, Sitges Film Festival 2011) and in the field of fiction she has explored the fantasy world, horror and stream of consciousness in pieces such as “Ferrying Fee” , written by Erin Donovan (The Mentalist), “The Welcome” (selected at more than 20 international festivals) or “The Feathers”, in the distribution phase. In 2014 she premiered the documentary “The Jump!” (AVED Producciones) at the IN-EDIT Film Festival. As a freelance director, she has worked for museums developing visuals, and as a screenwriter she has collaborated with Folch Studio, working on Ada Colau’s campaign. She is currently preparing an audiovisual about motherhood and the city of Barcelona, a film diary for the Barcelona Center for Contemporary Culture (CCCB).
Ylenia Cañadas
Molecular Biologist by profession and cinephile by nature. The years as a volunteer at the Sitges festival have forged her union with cinema, offering her the opportunity to collaborate as a critic and editor for various national media, as well as to cover film festivals or cultural events. She has served as a Young Jury at the Sitges Festival, and as Critic Jury at the BCN Film Festival, TerrorMolins, Sant Cugat Fantàstic, TaShort Fest or Sabadell Film Festival, among others. She has been press officer and programmer for the Sant Boi Fantastic Film Festival (Fantboi) and is currently working on a new and important project. In addition, she acts as director of the section“Mutacions Cinèfiles” of the magazine «El Cinèfil», is a member of the Associació Catalana de la Crítica i l’Escriptura Cinematogràfica (ACCEC) and has a job in a cinema theatre in Barcelona.
Sandra S. Lopera
Sandra S. Lopera (Barcelona, 1981) is a journalist and film reviewer, with a doctorate in communication sciences from the Ramon Llull University with the thesis Traduciendo la mirada (“Translating the sight”). On the editing practices in North American remakes of Japanese horror films. She was director of the cinema section of the Guía del Ocio de Barcelona and has written in media such as Avui newspaper, Go Magazine, enBarcelona, Blisstopic, Tomacine or Scifiworld magazine, as well as collaborating in the radio program La catifa vermella, of Matadepera Ràdio. She is the co-author of the book Dime qué te pasa y te diré qué peli ver (Redbook ediciones) and the book La Naturaleza se Rebela (Hermenaute). She is currently the press officer of Phenomena Experience.
Videos published after 03/01/2020 and before 04/14/2020
Jury made up of members of the Festival organization
The two best videos (adult and children) chosen by the organization received a merchandising pack of the adult or children Festival.
Videos published after 05/01/2019 and before 11/01/2019
Jury composed of José Mellinas, Jorge Loser and Carlos J. Marín.
The 3 finalists received a full subscription for the Festival and dissemination through the Movistar + networks. They were also screened during the Movistar Session and at the 12 Hours of Terror.
The winning short enjoyed 2 hotel nights in a double room, corresponding to the nights of November 15 and 16. He also obtained a premium merchandising pack of the Festival and a special pack of blu-rays films. It was also screened on Friday, November 15, before the closing film of the Festival.
Videos published after 05/23/2018 and before 10/31/2018
Jury composed of Howard Gorman, Antonio Rosa and Lucio Rojas.
The 3 finalists received a full subscription for the Festival and dissemination through the Movistar + networks. They were also screened during the Movistar Session and received 3 subscriptions to Movistar + (one per finalist) for six months to all the content of the platform (cinema, series, football and other sports, Premium channels).
The winning short also received 2 hotel nights in a double room, corresponding to the nights of November 17 and 18. Also a premium Festival merchandising pack and special blu-ray movie pack. It was finally screened on Friday, November 17, before the closing film of the Festival.
Videos published after 09/26/2017 and before 11/02/2017
Jury made up of members of the Festival organization
The 3 finalists received 3 subscriptions to Movistar+ (one per finalist) for six months (from November 2017 to April 2018) to all the content of the platform (series, football and other sports, cinema, Premium channels).
The winning short also obtained a premium Festival merchandising pack, a special blu-ray movie pack and VR Box Pro Stima glasses for smartphones.
Videos published after 08/28/2016 and before 11/01/2016
Jury made up of members of the Festival organization
El ganador recibió un pase completo para el Festival y una edición especial de la película Picosis con material exclusivo.
El segundo clasificado recibió un pase semanal para el Festival y Pack de películas.
Videos published after 08/31/2015 and before 10/25/2015
Jury made up of members of the Festival organization
The winner received a Festival pass and a Movie Pack.
The second classified received a movie pack.