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Author: Paco Ruiz
About the poster
The poster, created by filmmaker Paco Ruiz, focuses on constructing the face of a woman from the deconstruction of different female figures, it is a “Frankenstian” woman. Although it is almost impossible to know how many victims there were, it is documented that around more than one hundred thousand women were accused and murdered for witchcraft in Europe between the 15th and 18th centuries. Based on the leitmotiv of this edition “Witches”, the poster is a direct tribute to all of them. The technique used is collage from the creation of photographs, digital retouching and image creation with Artificial Intelligence. That is, the visible faces that appear on the poster are not real women. The AI in turn works by generating millions of images to create a single one. And it is, in turn, the same construction concept used in the poster. AI is here to stay and is an efficient and very useful tool on a creative level. This time it has been decided to include the leitmotif indirectly since it is not used as such, but rather the word “Bruixes” (Witches, in catalan language) is introduced as an accusation.
About the author:
Paco Ruiz. Filmmaker and professor of cinematographic language. Graduated from ESCAC in the specialty of Direction of Photography. His work now focuses on directing, he has made around twenty short films and documentaries. He is director of spots for Vodafone or the Generalitat, among others. He was a candidate for the Goya with his short film “María”, awarded at various national and international festivals, of which he is developing the feature film. He is interested in photography, design and illustration. Actualmente, combina esta pasión con la docencia en varias escuelas de cine.
Director’s words:
Producer: Roger Sàbat
Choreographic direction: Judit Camats i Mar Ollé
Direction of photography: Jordi Manchado
Original music: Joan Vilà
Assist direction: Joan Vives
Makeup and hairdressing: Susi Rodríguez
Costume Design: Paula Arévalo
Assist camera: Adela Montolí Llorens
Aux. camera: Laia Gil Vendrell
Sound design: Eloy Rodríguez
– Voice over Witches: Alba Rigol
Editor: Alfredo Ruiz
Supervisor VFX: Bernat Fontanals
Colorist: Jordi Bransuela
Color lab: ESCAC
Camera equipment: Juan Lozano
Ajuntament de Molins de Rei