In order to foster literary creativity and the interest in horror literature, every year since 2007 the Festival calls the CONTEST OF HORROR SHORT STORIES, in collaboration with the local public library El Molí and the Town Council of Molinsde Rei.

The short stories to competition are new and original, they are written in Catalan or Spanish and all of them fit within the concept of horror. The contest focuses on short stories because they allow new writers to have everything under control.

Besides the awards to best stories in Catalan and Spanish, there is a special «Secondary School» award for those students who want to submit their works.

You can download a free copy of our compilation of all awarded stories since 2004 to 2019. HERE.


Winners 2022

Received 418 short-stories, from both the Catalan, Spanish and foreign spheres, the winners of the 16th edition of the Terror Micro-stories Contest, convened by the Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival, the City Council of Culture de Molins de Rei and the El Molí Library in Molins de Rei, awarded by the jury made up of Aina Ibàñez (Criminologist), Marga Montserrat (Marqueting), Laura Marin (Journalist) and Manel Calpe (Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival ), has been the following:

Best Short-Story in Catalan language: L’escorxador, de Lluís Planellas Giné (Barcelona).

El guardià m’estira de la brida perquè entri a l’habitació. Obeeixo com una beneita perquè no s’emprenyi (té la mà llarga). Ràpidament me’n penedeixo. Això sembla la cambra dels horrors. Hi ha taques de sang a les parets i un bassal fastigós de ves a saber què escolant-se per l’aigüera. Una dona i un noi vestits de blanc estan revisant un arsenal d’instruments de tortura disposats al llarg d’una tauleta metàl·lica. Ha de tractar-se d’un error, em dic. M’he portat bé. Ni tan sols m’he queixat del menjar. Inclús vaig entregar-los el meu fill. Per què haurien de castigar-me? —Prepara els elèctrodes —diu la dona al noi —. Primer, l’atordeixes; després, la degolles, l’esbudelles i l’escorxes. Entesos? —Entesos. Què?! Pietat! Diré tot el que sé! Voleu noms? Diré noms! Però no em mateu, si us plau! Soc innocent! Ho juro! —Quina ovella més xerraire —diu el noi amanyagant-me el clatell. —Deixa’t de collonades i atordeix-la. No és més que un animal. Monstres! Assassins! Fills de…! ZUM!

*Special Mention Best Short Story in Catalan: Nadal en família, by Jordi Places Rabal (Molins de Rei).

Familia que bé que ens ho hem passat aquest Nadal! Sens dubte ha sigut inoblidable i espero que el següent sigui igual o fins i tot millor! Va agafar el cap del seu marit i el cap del seu fill i els va tornar a guardar a la seva cambra frigorifica fins l’any vinent.

Best Short Story in Spanish: Eternidad, by Almudena Gutiérrez Gómez (Cartagena).

Anoche tuve una pesadilla horrible. Soñé que estaba encerrada en un sitio muy pequeño, en el que no había luz. Gritaba y gritaba, pero nadie me oía. Me he despertado de un sobresalto, y me he golpeado la cabeza con la tapa del ataúd.

*Special Mention Best Short Story in Spanish: La Copa, by Alejandro Gomis Arnal (Bétera, Valencia).

Cuando hube llegado a la mitad de la copa, me di cuenta de que el barman no me estaba sirviendo vino.

Special Award “Secondary School” to the Best Short Story (for school students): El psiquiatre, by Lucas Santos Vizuete (Molins de Rei).

-Odio aquest hospital psiquiàtric, he estat anys aquí podrint-me i pansint-me, detesto els doctors i infermeres, amb els seus somriures hipòcrites i els seus coquetejos mal disfressats, vull tacar amb la seva sang les parets d’aquest lloc! Els desertitzaré, un d’aquests dies, uns d’aquests dies ho faré!- -Doctora… això que diu és molt sinistre- va respondre la pacient.

The Award was announced during the Short Film Festival for High Schools (Monday, November 7) and consisted of the publication of the micro-story in the next edition of the compilation of horror stories, a batch of Festival merchandising products and a ticket for the marathon “12 Hores de Terror”.

List of Winners 2021

Having received 275 short stories, 235 in Spanish and 40 in Catalan, from Catalonia, Spain and also foreign countries, the winners of the 15th edition of the Horror Short Story Contest, organised by the Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, the Culture Department of the Molins de Rei town hall and the El Molí Library, and awarded by a jury composed by Aina Ibàñez (criminologist), Marga Montserrat (Marketing), Laura Marin (reporter) and Manel Calpe (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
Desesperança, de Manuel Pérez Alegre (València)

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Magro consuelo, de Ana María Abad García (Madrid)

– Special Mention to Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Forense, de Julián Sánchez Caramazana (Barcelona)

– Special “Institutes” Award for the Best Horror Short Story (for students of educational centers):
Igualdad, de Laia Pont Puiggené (Bell-lloc d’Urgell, Lleida)

This edition’s finalist short stories:

– Anestèsia, de Carlos Cavallé (Molins de Rei)
– Sota el cel blau, de Jordi Barbosa Flores (Sant Joan Despí)
– La catifa, de Rosalía Guerrero Jordán (València)
– Trom, de Sam Gutiérrez (Barcelona)
– Sopar de presentació, de Miriam Robles Nin (Molins de Rei)
– Recetas de confinamiento, de Eduvigis Beltran (Sabadell)
– Un toque de distinción, de Edweine Loureiro da Silva (Saitama, Japó)
– Maldito, de Yolanda Camacho (València)
– Ciego, de Carlos Cavallé (Molins de Rei)
– Conferencia, de Jorge Enrique Álvarez Ramos (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
– Pasos, de Héctor Cobo Castrillo (Madrid)
– Cuarto creciente, de Óscar Borrachero Sánchez (Molins de Rei)
– Eterna cotización, de Irina Sureda Villanueva (Sant Pere de Torelló)

# all short-stories have a maximum allowed of 1000 characters.
The “Special Institutes Award” is maintained (maximum of 1,000 characters).

List of Winners 2020

Having received 413 short stories, 381 in Spanish and 32 in Catalan, the winners of the 14th edition of theHorror Short Story Contest, organised by the Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, the Culture Department of the Molins de Rei town hall and the El Molí Library, and awarded by a jury composed by Aina Ibàñez (criminologist), Marga Montserrat (Marketing), Laura Marin (reporter) and Manel Calpe (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
Cor, de Jordi Places Rabal (Molins de Rei)

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
No, de Sergio Fortes Rodríguez

– “Secondary Schools” Special Award for Best Short Story (by Bachillerato students):
Azul, by Martina Rodríguez Correa (Thalassa secondary school, Montgat)

This edition’s finalist short stories:

– Rabieta, by Alejandro Barrón (Mexico)
– Adicción, by Julián Sánchez Caramazana
– Contrición, by Edweine Loureiro da Silva (Saitama, Japan)
– La silla, by José Ramón Ramos Martínez (Las Palmas)
– La renga, de Acuña Emilce (Argentina)
– Maleits tòpics, by Manuel Pérez Alegre (Valencia)
– Última noche, by José Luis Castellanos Segura (Ciudad Real)
– Zombi, by Daniel Carrillo (Chile)
– Como en las películas, by Claudio Mamud (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
– El banquet, by Edu Beltran (Sabadell)

# all short-stories have a maximum allowed of 1000 characters.
The “Special Institutes Award” is maintained (maximum of 1,000 characters).

List of Winners 2019

Having received 198 short stories, 164 in Spanish and 34 in Catalan, the list of winners of the 13th Edition of the Horror Short Story Contest, organised by the Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, the Culture Department of the Molins de Rei town hall and the El Molí Library, and awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist), Marga Montserrat (Marketing), Laura Marin (reporter) and Manel Calpe (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
Substitució by Vicent G. Terol (Xàtiva, Valencia)

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Fascinación, by Edweine Loureiro da Silva (Saitama, Japan)

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Visitante, by Melisa Ruth Pérez García (Almería)

This edition’sfinalist stories are:

– La joguina més estimada, by M.Carme Marí (Castelldefels)
– Fill, by Jordi Places Rabal (Molins de Rei)
– Porc amb verduretes, by Carles Garcia i Flores (Girona)
– Convivència, by Albert Vilardaga
– En el desván, by German Casuso Lomas
– Una familia unida, by Manuel Ángel Gutiérrez Gutiérrez (Madrid)
– Imperecedero, by José María Molina Romero (Jaén)
– Crimen perfecto, by María Porras Alcón (San Javier, Murcia)
– Prima donna, by Alicia del Rosario (Asturias)
– Mamà, truquen a sa porta, by Celia Dos Santos Hernández (Ibiza, Balearic Islands)
– No de nuevo, by Leonardo Pirolo (Argentina)

The “Special Institutes Award” is maintained for those students of Baccalaureate or Training Cycles who want to participate. The aim of the prize is to boost passion for horror literature and encourage literary creation and written expression of teenagers through the construction of short literary texts (with a maximum of 1000 characters). This category will include two prizes: best short story in Catalan and best short story in Spanish. Winners will get a ticket to the 12 Hours of Horror and a set of products from the Festival. The deadline for admission of works ended on Monday, September 29, 2019.

List of winners 2018

The winners of the 12th edition of the Horror Short-Stories Contest, awarded by the jury made up of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (Criminologist), Marga Montserrat (Màrqueting), Laura Marin (Journalist) and Manel Calpe (Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival), was the following :

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
No et giris, by Javier Fernández Mata

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
Trànsit del mil·lennista, by Sergi G. Oset

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Altruista, by Maria Gil Diz

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Torturas, by Julián Sánchez Caramazana

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
La madre, by Edweine Loureiro Da Silva

The “Special Institutes Award” is aimed at all 1st and 2nd year Bachelor students. It consists of two categories: Best short-story written in Catalan and Best short-story written in Spanish. The prize will consist of a free ticket for the 12 Hours and a batch of Festival merchandising products. The aim of the prize is to boost passion for horror literature and encourage literary creation and written expression of teenagers through the construction of short literary texts (with a maximum of 333 words). More than 90 micro-stories have been received from students from different parts of Catalonia. The deadline for admission of works ended on Monday, October 15, 2018.

List of Winners 2017

Thewinners of the 11th edition of the Horror Short Story Contest, awarded by the jury made up of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (Criminologist), Laura Marin (Journalist) and Manel Calpe (Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival), was as follows:

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
Motius per abandonar el sofà, by Francesc Borrell Ros (Molins de Rei)

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Catalan
Immòbil, by Ferran Angulo i Parejo (Vilanova i la Geltrú)

– Award for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Arriba y Arriba, by José María García Hernández (Madrid)

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Literalmente, by Marcos Alonso Díaz (Pasaia, Guipuzkoa)

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story in Spanish
Excitación, by Julián Sánchez Caramazana (Barcelona)

– Best Horror Story – Secondary Schools award
Boo!, by Alex Tomico Valverde (INS Esteve Terrades i Illa de Cornellà de Llobregat)

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story – Secondary Schools Special Prize
Clic, by Antonio Aranda Sánchez (Antoni de Martí i Franquès secondary school, Tarragona)

– Second Prize for Best Horror Short Story – Secondary Schools Special Prize
Estimat lector, by Maria Lian Solé Barba (Antoni de Martí i Franquès secondary school, Tarragona)

This edition’sfinalist stories are:

– ¿Qué has hecho?, by María Gil Diz (Xinzo de Limia, Ourense)
– Amor incondicional, by Miguel Fernando Payán Ramírez (Benito Juárez, Mexico City, Mexico)
– Aurora, by Edweine Loureiro da Silva (Souka-Shi, Saitama, Japan)
– Descubrimiento, by Alicia del Rosario García González (Cangas del Narcea, Asturias)
– El amante antropófago, by Sergio M. Moreno Domínguez (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz)
– El miedo de Dorgov, by Guillermo Arturo Borao Navarro (Zaragoza)
– El monje, by Daniel Martín Ramos (Valladolid, Yucatán, Mexico)
– Hábitos saludables, by Mar Roca Mercader (Pastriz, Zaragoza)
– Hoy no había gatos, by Sebastián Villanueva Macías (Malmö, Sweden)
– La otra versión, by Julián Sánchez Caramazana (Barcelona)
– La vecina, by Eduardo Viladés (Valencia)
– Piyamadas, by Fernando Ariel Carpena (San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina)
– Prófugo, by Edgardo Alejandro Robles Barrón (Coyoacán, Mexico City)
– Represalias, by José Martínez Moreno (Valencia)
– Trampantojos, by Carlos Moregó Gómez (Torrent, Valencia)
– Última parada, by Carlos Moregó Gómez (Torrent, Valencia)

This year presents as a novelty the “Special Institutes Award” aimed at all students of 1st and 2nd year of Baccalaureate. It consists of two categories: Best short-story written in Catalan and Best short-story written in Spanish. The prize is a free ticket to the “12 Hores”. The aim of the prize is to boost passion for horror literature and encourage literary creation and written expression of teenagers through the construction of short literary texts (with a maximum of 333 words). More than 90 micro-stories have been received from students from different parts of Catalonia. The deadline for admission of works ended on Sunday, October 1, 2017.

List of Winners 2016

Having received 153 short stories, the list of winners of the 10th edition of the Horror Short Stories Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist), Laura Marin (reporter) and Manel Calpe (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

Award for Best Short Story in Catalan

Second Prize for Best Short Story in Catalan

Award for Best Short Story in Spanish

Second Prize for for Best Short Story in Spanish

Second Prize for for Best Short Story in Spanish
Muerte sin importancia, by JOSÉ JOAQUÍN SACHEZ GARCÍA

This edition’sfinalist stories are:

Execució final, written by Teresa Tuset Sanahuja
Ojos, written by Joan Gomila Pere
Perfecta, written by Ana Maria Bernet Espinosa
Ropa, written by Julián Sánchez Caramazana
La solución, written by Carlos Moregó Gómez
Récord, written by Ezequiel Leonardo González
Chupasangre, written by Aitor Marín Correcher
15 de agosto, written by Carlota Martínez-Pereda Sanz
Una noche cualquiera, written by Marc Barrio Villegas
La verdad, written by Patricia Raquel Elizabeth Clavijo
El último soy yo, written by Federico Garrido Villar

List of Winners 2015

The list of winners of the 9th edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, organised by the Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei and the El Molí Library, and awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
Apetit, written by DAVID CASTEJÓN FERRER (from Barcelona)
For his knowledge of writing and sarcasm, and for making something mostrous out of an ordinary dinner, even with only 197 words.

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
El repòs del soldat, written by JORDI MASÓ RAHOLA (from La Roca del Vallès)
For his ability of showing us that giving oneself up to pleasure can be a dangerous thing, even for a soldier, and only in 333 words.

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
La esquina, written by CARLOS MOREGÓ GÓMEZ (from Valencia)
For being able to capture the feeling of primal fear that all of us hide, and in only 56 words.

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Los rosales, written by AGUSTÍN FORT PUJOL (from Barcelona)
For being able to have beautiful rose bushes hide a true nightmare, and only in 106 words,

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
D.D.T., written by JORDI RIBERA MARTÍNEZ (from Molins de Rei)

This edition’sfinalist stories are:

– Condemna, written by AGUSTÍ LLOBERAS DEL CASTILLO (Molins de Rei)
– El millor dia de la meua vida, written by MARILÓ ÀLVAREZ SANCHIS (Picassent, Valencia)
– Gaudeamus, written by MÓNICA RAMOS PÉREZ (Gibara-Holguín, Cuba)
– La màquina de coser, written by SÍLVIA HERRERA ROJAS (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz)
– Crímenes televisados, written by GINÉS MULERO CAPARRÓS (Viladecans)
– Helmut_S6, written by JOSÉ ARISTÓBULO RAMÍREZ (Bogotá, Colombia)
– Los niños, written by CARLOS MOREGÓ GÓMEZ (Valencia)

List of Winners 2014

The list of winners of the 8th edition of the Gore and Horror Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei),is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
A l’ast, by Jordi Masó Rahola

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
Osset de peluix, by Agustí Lloberas del Castillo

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Gritos, by María del Mar Braza Claver

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
La lista de la compra, by Oscar Royo Royo

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story – Colla Diables Special Prize
La puerta, by Javier Beristain Labaca

List of Winners 2013

The list of winners of the 7th edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei),is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
Rentar i tallar, by Agustí Lloberas del Castillo

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
Taxidèrmia, by Jordi Masó Rahola

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Extinción, by Óscar Amador Vicente

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Niños, by Álvaro Morales Collazo

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Gardel, by Edweine Loureiro Da Silva

List of Winners 2012

The list of winners of the 6th edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei),is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
L’hoste, by Jordi Masó Rahola

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Posesiones, by Óscar Sipán Sanz

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
El masaje, by Pilar Carmona Gimeno

List of Winners 2011

The list of winners of the 5th edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
Persecució, by Alba Julian i Solera

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
¿Dónde estoy?, by Neus Campán Perán

List of winners 2010

The list of winners of the 4th edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
La transformació, by Jordi Masó Rahola

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Los escuchaban, by Ginés Mulero Caparrós

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
El cirujano, by Sergi Orea Vilàs

List of Winners 2009

The list of winners of the 6th edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Jaume Benedito (Miasma magazine), Glòria Massana (Pau VIla library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and Laura Marin (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei),is:

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
Adicció, by Jordi Masó Rahola

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Catalan
La taula llarga, by Miquel Ángel Izquierdo López

Award for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Tras la pared, by Óscar Sipán Sanz

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story in Spanish
Del latín “in” –en, y “vocare”, llamar, by Javier Fernández Bilbao

List of winners 2008

The list of winners of the 1st edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Jaume Benedito (Miasma magazine), Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and Laura Marin (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

First Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
Megapixel Glasses, by Patricia Muñiz

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
Els ossets de la mama, by Antoni Galceran Gallifa

List of Winners 2007

The list of winners of the 1st edition of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of Jaume Benedito (Miasma magazine), Glòria Massana (Pau Vila Library), Aina Ibàñez (criminologist) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei),is:

First Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
Col·lecció, by Aina Ibàñez Roig

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
El Puente, by Fernando de las Cuevas Terán

Third Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
El darrer viatge, by Marc Casas Segura

List of Winners 2004 (Horror and Gore Short Story Contest)

The list of winners of the Horror and Gore Short Story Contest, awarded by a jury composed of José Luís Muñoz (writer), Uxio Nadie (Los perros compartidos) and David Izquierdo (Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei), is:

First Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
Volverás, by Marc Rodríguez Soto

Second Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
El Téras, by Juan José Castillo Lérida

Third Prize for Best Gore and Horror Short Story
De otro lugar, by Guillermo Ruiz Giménez