Film reviewing workshop: Writing on Cinema, by Antonio José Navarro, film reviewer and teacher at La Casa del Cine.
After choosing a film connected with the topic of “the inner struggle”, attendants will learn basic notions of the creative process one needs to follow when writing a film review, with the support of a film reviewer and teacher at the cinema school La Casa del Cine: Antonio José Navarro.
Mondays, November 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th, 18.00 – 20.00h.
- Biblioteca el Molí. Assembly hall
- Free activity with previous inscription:
- Further information:
Mostra de Curtmetratges de Terror per a Instituts 2021
Screening of a selection of the best short films presented to competition on the Official Section of the last edition of the Festival. The short films included are chosen considering excellence in quality, representativity and suitability for the audience to which it is addressed: upper secondary school students.
According to the COVID-19 school protocol currently applied, the short films show will take place online and will include an educational dossier.
- The Festival also offers a master class on the organizational details of the Festival to be held in the school’s classroom.
- Available October 25th-November 12th.
- Further information:
Concurs de Microrelats de Terror 2021 “Premi Especial Instituts”
A new edition of the horror short stories contest organised by Molins Film Festival and the public library Biblioteca el Molí. The best short stories (1,000 characters or less) will be awarded. They must be written either in Catalan or Spanish. he contest aims at fostering literary creativity as well as a taste for horror literature by classic and contemporary writers. Check the rules at:
Works admitted until November 5th.
Further information: