The exhibition Bruixes – Sorginak – Witches. Illustrated Witches’ Sabbath unites 24 witches with backgrounds linked to comics, design and illustration, brought together in homage to an essential representation in the literary and audiovisual fiction that inhabits our dreams and nightmares.
Curator: Borja Crespo
This ritual show boasts the important presence of women Basque (Ane Pikaza, Raquel Alzate, Higinia Garay, Josune Urrutia) and Catalan authors (Genie Espinosa, Sandra Uve, Susanna Martin, Nadia Hafid). We have invoked this selection of artists to pay tribute, with the magic of their talent, to the importance and appeal of a symbol occupying centre stage in fables and found in some of our history’s most hair-raising periods.
During both festivals, in San Sebastian the exhibition can be visited at the Sala San Jerónimo (Municipal Library Activities Hall) and in Molins de Rei at the Sala Ca n’Ametller.
The full list of participating illustrators is:
Raquel Alzate, Sara Bea, Carla Berrocal, Natacha Bustos, Olga de Castro, Genie Espinosa, Mabel Esteban, Ana Galvañ, Higinia Garay, Nadia Hafid, Irene Márquez, Susanna Martín, Mermelada de Sesos, Ana Oncina, Laura Pérez, Mireia Pérez, Miriampersand, Ane Pikaza, Sara Soler, Clara Soriano, Josune Urrutia, Sandra Uve, Teresa Valero and Roberta Vázquez. Sandra Uve, Teresa Valero y Roberta Vázquez.