Edition 2022

Visit the historical section of the festival
to know the awards and honors of previous editions

The awarded works and artists of each section will be updated during the days of the festival, as they become official.

Feature films

Official Section

Being Different Section

Bloody Madness Section

Videodrome (ONLINE) Section

True Survivor Section

  Short Films

Official Section

– Awarded with 1.200€ –

– Awarded with 400€ –

– Awarded with 400€ –

– “Víctor Israel” award
for best acting –

– “Manel Gibert” Audience award –

Secció Ç-Trencada

– NRD Multimedia Award –
700€ in rental of filming material

– Audience award –

20 Seconds of Horror Contest

full festival pass
two hotel nights
premium pack merchandising

premium pack kids
merchandising of the Festival

premium pack kids
merchandising of the Festival

pack Festival merchandising

full festival pass

full festival pass
