Non competitive short films screenings TerrorMolins 2021

At TerrorMolins we are really happy to include a bunch of short films in non competitive screenings, turning feature films screenings into double or even triple sessions, including the opening and closing galas of the Festival. Just come and watch!

“Night of the Living Dicks”

What would happen if you found a pair of glasses which showed you the real personality of all those guys around you?

Opening. Friday, Nov 5th, 21:15h. with the feature film VHS 94

“Au Pair”

If you are planning to go au pair, you will have to hand in reports and CVs. But do not forget to ask for information on the hosts.

Tuesday, Nov 9th, 17:15h. withThe Amusement Park and When I consume you


A man goes back to the family home where memories will make him wonder whether things are real or not.

Thursday, Nov 11th, 17:15h. with The scary of sixty-first andComing Home In The Dark.

“The last Matador”

Would you know what to do if you found a famous politician during your holiday trip?

Thursday, Nov 11th, 21:00h. with Lo inevitable andThe Spine of Night.

“T’es morte Hélène”

Beware jealous couples, they can become a real nightmare.

Closing. Friday, Nov 12th, 22:00h. with The Innocents. Just let us know if you happen to watch any of these jewels!